Dr. Bill Evans, MD, FRCPC

ABOUT US > OUR team > operations TEAM > Winston Wu OPERATIONS TEAM Dr. Bill Evans, MD, FRCPC Consultant for Exactis Dr. Bill Evans is a medical oncologist and former healthcare administrator who directed cancer centres in Ottawa and Hamilton and served as the...

Winston Wu

ABOUT US > OUR team > operations TEAM > Winston Wu MANAGEMENT TEAM Winston Wu Chief Technology Officer Winston Wu joins Exactis with 20 years of technology and business experience in both consulting and industry. Winston consulted across many domains and...

Diana Salazar, MBA, M.Sc

ABOUT US > OUR TEAM > MANAGEMENT TEAM > Diana Salazar, MBA, MSC MANAGEMENT TEAM DIANA SALAZAR, MBA, MSC Director, Network Engagement Diana completed a bachelor’s degree in Biology (Major: genetics) at the University of Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia), a Master...


ABOUT US > OUR GOVERNANCE > BOARD OF DIRECTORS > MYRIAM COSSETTE-VOYER LLB, MBMD BOARD OF DIRECTORS MYRIAM COSSETTE-VOYER, LLB, MBMD CORPORATE SECRETARY Ms Cossette-Voyer was admitted to the Quebec Bar in 2012 after completing a Baccalaureate in Law and a...